Room Acoustics- ALPHAcoustic

ALPHA ACOUSTIKI combines technical experience and scientific knowledge of its Engineers which are specialized in the field of room acoustics since 1980. Our complete range of architectural acoustics products can offer solutions to complex architectural acoustic projects, such as theatres, multi-purpose halls, cinemas, education hall and warship places.

Our room acoustic products have successfully been installed in several sensitive acoustic constructions such as recording studios, home cinemas, radio or TV studios etc. In this category, our complete range of acoustical products that improve the interior acoustics is presented.

Bass Traps : ALPHAcoustic- TRAP
Extended low frequency sound absorption
Self-standing Acoustic Panel: ALPHAcoustic- AM
Removable self-standing sound absorptive panels made of rigid internal frame
Acoustic Baffles: ALPHAcoustic- AB
Ceiling sound absorptive panels suspended vertically from the ceiling
Wooden Acoustic Panel: ALPHAcoustic- WP
Available in different types and perforation, designed to improve the acoustics of a hall