Our values, vision & mission
For us at ALPHA ACOUSTIKI, the values of our company are fundamental and constitute an inextricable part in our strategic decision making process. By taking advantage of the values stated below we create a healthy and profitable environment for our company and our colleagues in Greece and abroad. This way we keep the quality of our products and services always at high standards.
Consistency of quality in our products and services
Our products and services are always kept at the best combination of quality and cost. We strive to continuously improve our products and services with the aim of improving our capabilities, which cover all the demanding needs of the market in the acoustics, noise and vibration control.
Customer Service
We believe that in order to practically show our respect and understanding to our clients we need to provide immediate service and also fulfill their expectations in matters of quality, cost and delivery time.
Technical support and problem solving
With a technical background and experience in the field of acoustics and sound insulation since 1978, we always strive to provide our customers with scientifically documented engineering solutions of acoustics and noise and vibration problems.
Coming across difficult problems that our clients are facing, gives us the opportunity to create new innovative products that would cover their needs.
Integrity in all levels and forms of our work. We are dedicated in always providing high standards of direct customer service with honesty and professionalism.
In a world that the noise levels are continuously increasing, our mission is to create products and offer specialized services that aim to improve the domestic and work environment worldwide, minimizing the emission of noise and improving the interior acoustics.
The mission of ALPHA ACOUSTIKI is to offer to it’s customers, reliable and documented technical solutions to noise control problems (of industrial and building applications) in order to improve the environmental quality of interior acoustics. Specifically, regarding vibration control, our aim is to develop and produce innovative anti vibration products and put into effect complete engineering solutions for vibration problems and seismic protection of any engineering project.
Additionally, part of our mission is to offer the means and the knowledge for creating acoustically correct audience halls (like concert halls, conference centers, conservatoires, recording studios etc.). Also, the design and construction of advanced noise insulated products (like doors, sound attenuators, acoustic louvers and architectural acoustics products like sound diffusers, sound absorptive panels.
Selected Projects
Music studios Improve the accuracy of your studio monitors and enjoy much better mixes without ‘listening fatigue’
Multi-purpose spaces Achieve an acoustic comfort zone in multi-purpose spaces and successfully control sound, reverberation and regenerated noise