Acoustic Louver: ALPHAfon- AL

Acoustic louvers ALPHAfon-AL are available in a number of colors and in 3 basic materials: galvanised metal sheet, aluminium and stainless steel.
ALPHAfon-AL has semi aerodynamic horizontal sound absorptive inclined louver blades.
They are scientifically formed to combine low pressure drop, rain protection and increased sound reduction.
ALPHAfon-AL is available in 2 different types:
- ALPHAfon-AL TYPE 1 with 300 mm depth.
- ALPHAfon-AL ΤYPE 2 with 600 mm depth with double louver blades for improved sound reduction.
Typical applications include:
- Air Conditioning Applications
- Ventilation Applications
- Generator Sets
- Working spaces with natural ventilation
- Louver doors
- Cooling towers
- Air cooling chillers
- Refrigeration machines
ALPHAfon-AL can be manufactured in pieces if it exceeds the maximum above dimensions.
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