Sound Diffuser: ALPHAcoustic- City

Adding sound diffusion to an acoustic room treatment can improve the speech intelligibility and improve the overall listening environment within the room, without adding excessive amounts of sound absorption materials. Specially designed acoustic diffuser ALPHAcoustic-city help in conserving sound energy and also help spread it around to achieve even distribution.
Absorbers and diffusers are two of the main design tools for altering the acoustic conditions of a room, semi-enclosed spaces and the outdoor environment. In small rooms it is often preferred to control interfering reflections and provide and ambient sound field using diffusion instead of absorption. Acoustic design of a room uses just sound absorption and can leave a room feeling cavernous but also dead spots in the room. They are designed to scatter or disperse sound waves, thereby reducing standing waves and echoes and creating a better acoustic environment.
ALPHAcoustic-city is a 2-Dimensional binary array diffuser. The deep cavities and wells provide a wide sound diffusion bandwidth.
Max height: 16 cm
Standard finishing: Painted White (can be painted in every colour).
Material: High density expanded Polystyrene (EPS) with flame-retardant additives.
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