Portable Microphone Barrier POLYFON-MB

POLYFON MB is a portable acoustic Barrier, offering useful Reverberation and Noise attenuation around a recording microphone.
Product details
Additional Versions with external covers :
- POLYFON-MB.W: Formed pieces of plywood can be added to the exterior surface, offering a wide range of wooden appearances.
- POLYFON-MB.M: An aluminium metal cover can be added to the exterior surface in different colors.
The external noise barriers offer additional soundproofing from unwanted noise and also an attractive aesthetic result.
It is especially useful in studios without proper acoustic treatment or in rehearsal studios in order to prevent exterior noise such as traffic noise or air conditioning entering into the mic.
It can be used with a range of microphones and can be fitted very easily without any special equipment. The adjustable metal mounting system is designed to be installed at the same stand as a normal vocal mic.
POLYFON-MB offers ‘dry’ and direct vocal recordings, with reduced room ambience and external noise. This helps to eliminate excess echo and reverb, allowing the reintroduction of equalization during mixing or post-production processing.
It is easily applicable in most types of microphone stands and clips offering an acoustic reflection filter, that regulate the reverberation without excessive coloration of the wanted signal.
Its polyurethane cell structure is designed to give maximum sound absorption efficiency, thus transforming the acoustic energy as heat in the foam cells.
The specially molded design and the addition of cavities (like Helmholtz resonators) offer maximum sound absorption efficiency.
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